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Gucci Eyewear

Check out our selection in Glendale, AZ.

Gucci is known for visionary fashion and European sophistication coupled with impeccable craftsmanship and the finest materials.

Eye Love Smiles in Glendale offers a stunning selection of the latest Gucci eyewear for both men and women.

Call (623) 419-5683 or book an appointment online with a member of our professional optical team and discover the Gucci frames that best suit your personality and style.


Founded in Florence, Italy by Guccio Gucci nearly a century ago, the Gucci name quickly gained fame as one of the country’s most prestigious and influential fashion houses. Today, the Gucci brand evokes a sophistication and elegance that is both modern and steeped in the traditions of quality and excellence.

Gucci eyewear is designed to tell the story of the wearer’s heart and soul. Both playful and modern, the brand’s sunglasses and eyeglasses are manufactured with high-quality metal or acetate with the addition of stylish details that exude confidence, elegance and sophistication. For example, details such as pearls and glitter provide women with an effortless way to demonstrate their character.

A variety of frame shapes and sizes mean that men and women can enjoy Gucci eyewear that exudes confidence, charm and excellence amid a timelessness that is never dull or boring. This is realized with the high-quality materials that Gucci uses to craft their premier eyewear collections.

When you don a pair of Gucci eyewear, you’re not just protecting your eyes, you are also making an understated ode to fashion, style, glamour and sophistication that is unparalleled.